We're all about smiling through the storm

Some days it seems the English language has changed as much as my social life in the last 9 months. Corona, Covid, Social Distance, New Normal. A lot of changes have been required of us at work as well. Asking the parents to wait in the car and requiring masks for the patients may seem like we don’t actually want to see your smiling face, but it ain’t true. We’ve also spread out the treatment chairs, put glass between them, and installed super suckers (sounds like Super Soaker but does the opposite) called the Vector Vortex 1000 (someone got paid a lot to come up with that name). You may also have noticed our new stylish outfits. They are not exactly the latest thing off the fashion runway, but it’s one more thing we’re doing  to keep everyone healthy.

Here’s the thing; we would much rather be giving hugs and high fives than temperature checks, but this is the hand we’ve all been dealt. When this whole thing started we gave our PPE to the first responders and immediately went to work trying to figure out how to keep you safe when we were allowed to open again. We’re doing our best to follow the latest guidelines and honestly, things are going pretty well. We’d rather see your smiling face, but until those days return we’ll just assume those squinty eyes we see above your mask are the top part of a beautiful smile!

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