We're all about giving thanks...


Thanksgiving 2020. This year will be remembered for some pretty crazy events: Things that have highlighted the differences among us; physically separating us, politically separating us, and emotionally separating us. This year has been out of control. There was never a real shortage of food but try to get your hands on some toilet paper or any kind of exercise equipment and you might be up a creek. Out... of... control.

But this day is different. This day brings us together. Perhaps not physically this year, but today we can see the commonness we share. And while the world may be out of control, giving thanks is a decision, and decisions are always in our control. On this day of giving thanks let us focus on what unites us and choose to see the good in the world and each other. At DRO we are thankful for our team who have made personal sacrifices to keep our workplace as safe as possible. We are also thankful for our patient family who have been understanding of these “modern times” and put up with temperature checks and strange waiting room rules with what - due to masks - we are assuming is a smile on your face. We are thankful for you.